El Rebelde
Music by:
Lyric by:
Name: El Rebelde
Translater: Unknown
Muchachos, el barrio como está cambiado
Ya no es ni la sombra del que yo dejé,
Y al verlo cabrero, tristón y callado
Si vieran, muchachos, me da no sé qué.

La alegre patota no para en la esquina
Está más cabrero, más viejo el botón,
No pasa taquiando, diquera, la mina
Que encanó el piropo, de un viejo matón.

Se murió el vago “Amargura”,
Está en cana “El Langalay”,
Y a tu rante arquitectura
La están tirando a matar.
Te dio la biaba al progreso
Un rascacielo bacán,
Dejó como cinco ´e queso
A una casita terrán.

Yo vengo de lejos, barriada de antaño
Buscando en tus calles, cariños de hogar,
Aguanto la contra y año tras año
En vez de enristrarme, me siento fajar.

Amargo y rebelde, angustiao y seco
Mi barrio malevo, te vengo a pedir,
La rante miseria canera de un güeco
De un güeco rasposo, pa´ poder morir.

Music: Juan José Rivarol
Lyrics: Francisco Loiácono

This verse is in Lunfardo, the underworld slang of Buenos Aires.

It tells of a prisoner, who returns to his old neighbourhood, seeking the familiar comfort of his home surroundings, only to find that in the intervening years, those familiar surroundings have been changed out of all recognition.

Name: The angry man
Translater: Unknown
Guys, the neighbourhood is like it's changed
It's no longer a shadow of what I left
And on seeing it, angry, sad and silent,
If you saw, guys, I'm left I don't know what.

The cheerful gang doesn't hang around on the corner,
The policeman's older and angrier
The young woman no longer passes by dancing and showing off
And getting a compliment from one of the old boys

The sense of bitterness has disappeared
It's in jail, the Lanagalay
And your architecture of the poor
They're really destroying it.
Progress gave you a thrashing
A toff skyscraper
left like 'cinco de queso'*
a poor little house

I've come far, old neighbourhood
Searching your streets for the affections of home
I put up with privations year after year
Instead of enjoying them, I feel ripped off

Bitter and angry, troubled and barren
My poor neighbourhood I come to ask
The poor misery of a prison hole
From a shabby prison, to be able to die.

*cinco de queso - a flat cheese tart

English interpretation by Paul Bottomer ©
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