Music by:
Lyric by:
Name: Prienda
Translater: Unknown
Gaucho tristón,
Perro manso, surco siembra.
Ley del fogón,
Tropa, rancho, amor y huella.
Un viento atroz,
Una sombra, noche fiera,
Junto a Dios, mi corazón,
Mientras mi prienda, más temblaba en su sopor.

Entró a llorar
Pobrecita, suerte perra,
Me hinqué a rezar
Yo, que nunca había rezado.
Quise porfiar
Fui cerrando las tranqueras,
Y al relinchar mi zaino
La sombra igual entró.

Fuimos bajando la cuesta
Dos y dos, en fila india,
Cuatro manos y mi prienda, dormida,
En la caja, de blanco vestida.
Dejamos su soledad, junto a un sauzal,
Volvimos tristes, muy tristes, sin hablar,
Después, yuyal y tapera
Destino de huella, de andar y de andar.

No tengo ya
Perro manso, surco, siembra.
No tengo ya
Tropa, rancho, amor ni prienda.
Andando voy
Y al saber que voy sin ella,
En mi rencor, saco el facón
Para partirme de una vez, el corazón.

Oigo una voz
Es mi prienda, son sus ruegos.
Es su visión
Que se acerca a mí, corriendo.
Tiemblo en mi horror,
Mi facón arrojo al suelo,
Mis ojos quedan ciegos
Mi prienda ya no está.

Music: Erma Suárez
Lyrics: Enrique Lary
Name: Girl Friend
Translater: Unknown
Sad Gaucho,
Meek dog, a furrow to sow.
A proper campfire,
Horse team, ranch, love and the trail.
A terrible wind,
A shadow, fierce night
Close to God, my heart,
While my girl, was no longer trembling in her drowsiness.

I started to weep
Poor little thing, rotten luck,
I knelt to pray
I, who had never prayed.
I wanted to argue
I was closing the gates,
And at the neighing of my zaino
The shadow approached.

We went down the hill
Two and two, in single file,
Four hands and my girl, asleep,
In the casket, dressed in white.
We left her alone, beside a willow,
We came back sad, very sad, no words were said,
Then the scrubland and the shack
Destiny of the trail, walking and walking.

I don’t have
A meek dog, a furrow to sow.
No more do I have
A horse team, ranch, love nor girlfriend
I'll walk
And knowing that I go without her,
In my anger, I pulled out the machete
To split my heart in a single stroke.

I hear a voice
It’s my girl, they are her prayers.
It is her vision
She comes running towards me.
I tremble in my horror,
I throw my machete on the ground,
My eyes are blind
My girl is gone.

English translation by Paul Bottomer ©
1Héctor VarelaBIG